Polio Australia’s “Buddy Call Register” is a program designed to connect polio survivors living in Australia. As we are all aware, it is becoming increasingly problematic for some members of our post-polio community to get out-and-about to attend Post-Polio Support Group meetings (and many groups are no longer meeting regularly), or to talk about how they are managing in their day-to-day lives. However, as we also know, putting two polio survivors together often leads to interesting discussions. Polio Australia respects your privacy and ensures that all personal information collected will only be used to administer the “Buddy Call Register”. Sam O’Meara is the administrator of the Buddy Call System, so please expect a call or email from her after your registration.

Disclaimer: The “Buddy Call Register” cannot guarantee that every ‘buddy’ will be the best match, or even have similar interests, in which case you may request another ‘buddy’. Polio Australia also recommends against ‘buddies’ trying to solve difficult problems without suggesting professional help. Having training and experience as a Crisis Supporter through Lifeline, Samantha is able to offer crisis support, but would refer on for more serious situations.

If you would like to participate in the “Buddy Call Register” Program, please fill in the following details and click “Submit”:

    Your Name


    State or Territory

    Phone Number

    Email Address

    Do you want your ‘Buddy’ to be in the same state as you?

    Do you have a preference for a male/female buddy?

    Do you have a preference of day/time? (Tick all suitable options)

    How frequently would you like a 'Buddy Call'?

    Any additional comments/information: