March 2012: Polio Australia ran a series of joint activities with Post Polio Victoria (PPV) for the visit to Melbourne of Canadian polio survivor, Ramesh Ferris:
- Polio: Essential Information for General Practitioners was held at General Practice Victoria (GPV) on Tuesday 20th March (evening). 14 GPs and Practice nurses attended to hear from Dr Robert Hall (Eradication); Dr Jane Collins (Vaccination); Dr Stephen de Graaff (Late Effects of Polio); and Ramesh Ferris (living with polio).
- Mary-ann Liethof co-presented with Ramesh Ferris at a PPV Lunchtime Forum for polio survivors held at the Disabled Motorists Association on Wednesday 21st March. Approximately 30 polio survivors were in attendance.
- Mary-ann Liethof also co-presented with Ramesh Ferris and Liz Telford (PPV) at a GlaxoSmithKline staff lunch presentation which was attended by approximately 100 staff members.