Campaign Hero Lorraine Parker is travelling from Western Australia and heading to Canberra on Wednesday 31 October 2012. As well as telling her local Member about the late effects of polio, how they affect her, and what services she and her fellow polio survivors need, Lorraine will also be presenting Polio Australia’s Petition to this Federal Parliamentarian.
Lorraine contracted polio at the age of 3 and does not remember much about her experiences. However, the effects of this early childhood illness have now re-emerged in later life.

What is a memorable childhood experience?
I was 3 years old at the time and although my memory of it is skimpy I vaguely remenber my time in the Golden Age Hospital in Leederville, Western Australia, where I stayed for 9 months.
How have the late effects of polio impacted on you?
In recent times I have found it difficult to do many household chores and gardening. I get extremely tired. I can’t walk very far without the aid of a walking stick and feel quite unsteady on my feet when tired. I need to attend the physio to help with my tired muscles.
Why are you going to Canberra?
I am going to Canberra because it is my duty to fight for funding which we all need as post polio sufferers. I also feel strongly about the medical profession being educated as to what we go through, as most medical practicioners do not know much or anything about our situation.
Which Member of Parliament are you meeting with?
The Hon Judi Moylan MP
Member for Pearce, Western Australia
Party: Liberal Party of Australia
Chamber: House of Representatives
Support Lorraine and the “We’re Still Here!” campaign by sending her a message here.
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