NSW Retreat - 2010 - Report

NSW Retreat - 2010 - Video

NSW Retreat - 2010 - Photographs

In April 2010 Polio Australia, with input from the Post-Polio Network (NSW), conducted Australia’s first three day Polio Health and Wellness Retreat in Baulkham Hills, New South Wales. The purpose of the Health and Wellness Retreat was to provide a holistic approach to managing LEOP and finding life balance. This Retreat model is to be used as a chronic condition self management technique in future Polio Australia activities. Each day focussed on a different aspect of health and wellness: Body, Mind and Spirit.

Polio Australia and Post-Polio Network (NSW) were successful in joint funding applications to both GlaxoSmithKline and the Flack Trust. This gave us the financial flexibility to provide the 3 day Retreat at an affordable $370.00 per person/single or $280.00 per person/twin share/double which included meals, accommodation and all activities. We are most grateful to these two funding bodies for their support of the post polio community.

Feedback comments from the April 2010 Retreat include:

For me it was a life-changing experience! It seemed to offer everything we needed: great plenary sessions, excellent small group discussions, one-to-one opportunities with professionals, and the chance to share all these experiences with one’s partner. Beyond that, there was the informal chance to make connections and share experiences with other polio survivors. I’ve already made three important follow-up appointments.
I’ll be taking more time to look after myself in all areas -- mind, body and spirit!
A very well organised and run retreat -- thankyou, thankyou -- far better than expected! There are many follow up actions to be taken on my part (and will be!).
This has been the most productive, helpful, excitingly happy experience of my life! I’m so grateful to all those who helped organise this Retreat and especially those who help fund it and make possible this incredible shared time.
Being with and sharing with other people like me – I wasn’t the odd one out.
A very worthwhile exercise and I found it most enjoyable, mixing with fellow survivors.
Quality of all sessions was excellent. Thoroughly enjoyable, especially liked having spouse/carer to share in our activities.
Well done team – diverse program with plenty of time to mingle and talk to other survivors. Many contacts made and always lots of practical info learnt from other survivors.
An excellent few days, unlike anything I have ever done. The interaction with other survivors, as well as all the sessions.
I found the whole experience of attending the Retreat very meaningful. By the time it finished, I was feeling that I was part of the Polio Community and also found that I was not conscious of who is a survivor and who is a partner or carer in my interactions with them. Participating in sessions for partners reinforced this sense of belonging and I think these sessions should be part of all future Retreats.


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