If you are currently residing in Victoria, there are a variety of services and support that we recommend you connect with:

Polio Network Victoria (PNV) is a free service providing relevant and accessible information, referral and support services to people who have had polio, their families, carers and advocates.

Website: www.polionetworkvictoria.org

Phone: 0407 227 055

Email: [email protected]

Support Groups: Please contact PNV to find out about support groups in your areas

Post-Polio Victoria (PPV) is run by a volunteer management committee consisting largely of people who have had polio. It’s goal is to provide information and advice, and raise awareness of issues that surround polio to the broader community.

Website: www.postpoliovictoria.org.au

Phone: 0431 702 137

Email: [email protected]

Post-Polio Clinics:

Find a local health professional:


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