Thank You to These Generous Donors:
Please help Sue Mackenzie, Polio Australia Board member, to make a difference as she fundraises for Polio Australia through our annual “Walk With Me” Challenge!
Funds received go towards providing services for Australia’s polio survivors.
Watch our short (2:23 minute) video which provides a snapshot of our post-polio issues.
Sydney Street Ferry Terminal
Merthyr Bowls Club
WHEN: Saturday 29th October 2016, 9:30 am for 10 am start.
START: Merthyr Bowls Club, 60 Oxlade Drive, New Farm.
WALK: A relaxed walk or wheel ride along the Brisbane River to the Sydney Street Ferry Terminal.
FINISH: Return to Merthyr Bowls Club along the river front.
DISTANCE: 1.5 kilometres (750 metres each way).
MORNING TEA: Morning Tea, Raffles and Fun at Merthyr Bowl. Lunch can also be purchased.
WALKER REGISTRATION: $15 (School Children Free) to be paid on the day – contact Sue for more information.
T-SHIRT: Walk with Sue and get a unique Polio Australia “Walk With Me” T-Shirt!
DONATIONS: Whether or not you are walking on the day, please donate below in support of this event (donations for this event will be accepted until 31 December 2016).
If you experience any difficulty making your donation, please contact us.
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