Of the 2212 (to date) polio survivors currently living in Australia who have recorded their details on the Australian Polio Register, 1850 (62%) of them contracted polio in this country, while the remaining 362 contracted polio overseas. The chart below displays the number of Australian polio cases per year and is updated dynamically as each new registration giving an Australian polio location is recorded online. To access the individual state/territory figures, together with the towns/suburbs where and when polio was contracted, click on the state/territory of interest on the Australian map beneath.
On the map below, click on the red Australia placemarker to see where around Australia people contracted polio. You can also click on a placemarker for an Australian state (or territory) to open a pop-up box giving the number of cases in that state (together with the state percentage of the current Australian total of 1850 cases). To learn when and where polio was contracted in that state and the total number of cases per individual location, click on the link within the pop-up box to load a new page displaying the detailed information.
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